Hello my dear friends, From today I am going to start my journey as a content writer. As we all know in today’s scenario everyone wants to grow on digital platforms. Content writing can play a big role for you to grow on digital platforms. Content writing is a great and classic skill for everyone who loves to write.

My friends Before starting this journey. I want to share some information about myself. My name is Mohammad Sharif. By profession, I am an engineer but by choice, I am a teacher who loves to help people to enhance their skills.

As I said above I am just starting my journey in content writing so might be I made some mistakes but I will try my best to give you good quality content which will help you to enhance your skill.

So Let’s Start the journey of content writing. In this blog, we will learn all about content writing skills like …

  • who is a content writer ?
  • What skills do you need for content writer?
  • Qualities of a professional content writer.
  • Tips to start content writing.
  • How can we enhance our content?
  • what are the different ways to earn money from content writing.
  • How can we write books?
  • How to be self motivated for writing?

#Who is a content writer ? #What is content writing?

If you have creativity, and you can clearly express your thought and idea in the writing forms then it can be very easy for you to become a content writer. Hold on it does not mean if you are not good at writing so you can not become good in content writing. As we all know practice makes perfect just keep practicing writing. Try to develop an interest in writing.

Anything in the written form is called content writing, We can write content for a company, an email advertisement, or writing a company’s tagline, everything which we write for our audience or client is called content writing.

Ultimate guide on how to become a content writer?

Rule for content writing :- Planning -> Writing -> Execution

If you want to become a professional content writer then you will have to follow this process planning, writing & execution.

In planning, you have to decide your niche or topic on which you want to write. Keep in mind before deciding your niche or topic, It should be according to your interest or your knowledge which you have because if you decide your topic randomly it does not work for you. And after some time it will become boring for you and you will leave it.

After deciding the topic or niche, Now you have to start writing on your topic according to market trend or what audience like to read about the topic. if you are writing for a company or client then you have to write according to their demand.

Now we come to the last process which is execution, In execution, you will have to decide the platform for your content to publish. Mostly your platform will depend according to your client where does he want to publish content. Choosing the right platform for the right content is very important. It can play a major role in content development and in growth.

As a content writer, you should not be the only writer. You have to become a good reader also to absorb all the knowledge so after that you can easily plan your writing well form. As much you read as much you will consume ideas. you can write properly about the topic. So as a content writer, you have to be become a good reader also to become a good content writer.

# What skills do you need for content writer?

Qualities of a professional content writer are as follows:-

  1. 1. Good Command on Vocabulary (You must have good control over words. If you want to become a good content writer then you have to use proper word according to condition which you want to express in your content.)
  2. 2. Language Skills (In whichever language, you are writing, you have to be a good command of that language.)
  3. 3. Presentation (Keep your content neat and clean)
  4. 4. Adaptability (There are numerous fields in content writing like creative writing, business writing, copywriting, etc so here adaptability can play a big role to switch your role.)
  5. 5. Organisation skills ( you have to organize your thoughts step by step for clear-cut information which you want to provide to your readers or client.)
  6. 6. Research Skill (Research skill is most important for every content writer, you can not do research on your topic then you can not write quality content.)
  7. 7. Managing deadline (As a content writer, you have to work on different projects at the same time so you have to provide your content on time.)
  8. 8. Quality (Without quality, your content can not go for a long time. if you cover all points in your content then your content can perform better on digital platforms)

# Qualities of a professional content writer

There are some qualities to be required to become a professional content writer which I am telling you in this blog. If these qualities, You have possessed then you can easily become a professional content writer. As we all know some does not comes in our self from the start but if we keep practicing on daily basis then you can posses all the qualities which required to become a professional content writer.

Here is the list for to become a professional content writer:-

  • Writing Skills (You have to be passionate about writing)
  • Editing Abilities (You have to be editing abilities for innovation)
  • Researcher (Always do research on your topic or niche)
  • Stay Organized (Always keep your content in organized way)
  • Understand How to Communicate With Your Audience (Understand what audience like right now, write according to audience to be successful)
  • Know How to Write Content That Drives Traffic (Use all the mode from where you can drive traffic on you content like SMM, SEO etc.)
  • Be Adaptable and Flexible (Don’t be rigid in your mind)
  • Be Completely Transparent (Always try express or explain all thing about yourself, don’t hide anything from you audience)
  • Know How to Manage Your Time (Most important things for content writer to manage his time, Always give your content on time to client)
  • Always Keep Writing (Last but not the least always keeps writing)

As I have mentioned some qualities above which required to become a professional content writer. if I tell you in detail about all the qualities then this blog is going to be very long. So in this blog, we will try to keep it simple to understand how to become a good content writer. I will tell you all the qualities in my other blogs.

# Tips to start content writing

You are reading this blog which means you are interested in content writing. Here I am going to tell some tips to start your content writing journey (Maybe I am not the right person to tell on this topic as of now but whatever research I have done on content writing or whatever I have learned, On that basis, I am going to tell you that you have to write whatever comes in mind. So now the point comes to how can we write and where.

The answer is that You can use your social media platform for daily writing. You can share your feeling and thoughts. There is numerous social media platform on which you can write at the starting like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Quora. As a starter, it will help you lots to learn how to write on a topic and how can you express thoughts.

Google also provides you a platform where you can write your blogs which is a blogger. It is totally free platform where you can write your blogs as a starter.

Tips for starting your professional journey;-

  1. 1.Networking (Join Content writing network or group)
  2. 2. Write on those topic on which you are comfortable.
  3. 3. Share your work on digital platform like social media.
  4. 4. Start freelance work (Use Fiver and Upwork platform)
  5. 6. Keep your presence on social media.

# How can we enhance our content?

Now We have started our content writing journey. so now its time to improve our content qualities and how can we write good and attractive content. There is numerous way to make our content attractive and good.

  1. Use Attractive Headlines in Your Blogs
  2. Try to add info graphic images to make attractive
  3. Video also can be added in the blogs
  4. Make your blogs SEO effective (Note: How to make your SEO effective content will come on separate blogs)
  5. Clear cut points on your topic (Don’t mix other topic)
  6. Keep Transparency with your audience
  7. Try keep your content in story mode like you are tell something to your audience.

# what are the different ways to earn money from content writing.

Now we have learned most things about content writing. As we all know without money, we could not get motivated for writing. So I am telling you about some platform where you can make a good amount of money if your content speaks aloud about a topic on which you have written.

  1. Website Pages :
  2. We can write pages for website. There are lots of client who paid good amount of money to write their website page. We can also write about product of the company on their website.
  3. Sponsored Blogs :-
  4. We can write sponsored blogs for our clients. This is very trending in right scenario every one want to sponsored his company product, service. For this sponsorship they give good amount depending on your audience viewership.
  5. Books Writing :-
  6. If you are become a proficient in writing then book writing also big opportunity to earn large amount. You can write a book for different different publisher or You can also write for your self if you have good audience on social media.
  7. E-Book Writing :-
  8. As we all know during this digital world, Everyone want to launch their E-Book about products and services. So it also a good earning option for content writer.
  9. Online Course Content :-
  10. We can develop online course content for educational website or for academy. Online education is in very trending after the covid.
  11. Write for Startup and Small & Medium Enterprise :-
  12. We can write catchy lines or blogs for startup and SME
  13. Marketing and Advertisement :-
  14. We can create content for marketing and advertisement for companies on social media platform.
  15. Freelance content writing :-
  16. We can get work on Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer website.

# How can we write books?

Writing a book is big task. Its takes lots of writing space and time. You need a quite place to concentrate on your story on which you want to write. There some steps which you have to follow to write a good book.

  1. Establish a consistent writing space
  2. Hone in on your book idea
  3. Outline your story
  4. Do your research
  5. Start writing and stick to a routine
  6. Finish your first draft
  7. Revise and edit
  8. Write your second draft
  9. Publish your book

Things to remember before starting writing a book:-

To become a book author, you have understand that book writing is a long process. you have to write 20,000 – 1,00,000 words for a book. It can take years to write a book. So be patience, Keep curiosity, be punctual.

Process of writing a book:- Find a topic -> Writing Drafts -> Publishing -> Marketing.

Before starting your book writing, ask some questions to yourself that you have enough time to write. Are you have the discipline to write. Do you have enough energy to write? As I said book writing is a big task, So you can not leave it between your book writing.

# How to be self motivated for writing?

My friends, Now we are in the field of content writing. If we want to write on daily basis, we need motivation to write. Here are some tips how can we keep our self motivated for writing.

  1. Always set your goals for writing.
  2. Always Set a deadlines for blogs or content
  3. Follow Steps Write – Edit – Execute
  4. Find a space for your writing
  5. Always seek your destination
  6. Do your time management for writing in that way which does not affect your regular routing
  7. Always be flexible in your mind (Don’t be rigid in mind)
  8. Choose Idle for Writing who is successful in writing
  9. Joint a writing groups

Finally we come to end of this blogs on content writing. I hope it will help in your content writing skill. I share all my knowledge about content writing with you.

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