www.free-education.in is a platform where you can get pdf notes from 6th to 12th class notes, General Knowledge post, Technical Courses, Engineering post, Career Guidelines , English Speaking Trick , How to crack interview and lots more.( CBSE Class 12th Syllabus )
CBSE Class 12th Syllabus Subject Wise:
CBSE Board Class 12th Syllabus is provided here by free-education ( Wisdom Academy ) for all the subjects. These syllabus are designed as per National Council of Education and Research Training(NCERT). The Central Board of Secondary Education is responsible for prescribing the syllabus for all the schools affiliated to the same board. Students should make sure to learn as per the syllabus for each subject such as Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology. The question paper in the class 12th board exam is prepared as per the NCERT syllabus. Hence, it is recommendable for students to practice and prepare accordingly.
Download the Class 12th CBSE Syllabus for Board Exam Subject Wise
- CBSE Syllabus For Class 12th Maths
- CBSE Syllabus For Class 12th Physics
- CBSE Syllabus For Class 12th Chemistry
- CBSE Syllabus For Class 12th English Core Elective
- CBSE Class 12th Syllabus for English Elective
- CBSE Class 12th Biology Syllabus
- CBSE Class 12th Geography Syllabus
- CBSE Class 12th History Syllabus
- CBSE Class 12th Political Science Syllabus
- CBSE Class 12th Economics Syllabus
- CBSE Class 12th Business studies syllabus
- CBSE Class 12th Accountancy Syllabus
Download (Reduced) CBSE 12th Maths Syllabus 2020-21 in PDF format. Link to download CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Maths 2020-21 (Reduced by 30%) is given at the end of this article.
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Mohd. Sharif Qualification: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) [Founder of Wisdom Academy] [Aim Foundation & Free-Education.In] [Engineer By Profession | Teacher By Choice] [Blogger, YouTube Creator]