Lecture 14: Evaporator and Its types ( HVAC Course in Hindi )
Evaporator is an important component together with other major components in a refrigeration system such as compressor, condenser and expansion device. The reason for refrigeration is to remove heat from air, water or other substance.
It is here that the liquid refrigerant is expanded and evaporated. It acts as a heat exchanger that transfers heat from the substance being cooled to a boiling temperature.
There are two types of evap.:
Forced Convection Type uses a fan or pump to force the liquid being cooled over the evap.
Natural Convection Type has the liquid being cooled flows naturally to the evap. due to the density differences of the chilled and warm liquid.
Evaporator Construction Types
There are three types of evap. construction that are commonly being used today:
Bare-Tube and Plate Surface construction have the entire surface in contact with the evaporating refrigerant inside.
Finned construction are bare-tube coils upon which fins(metal plates usually Aluminum) are being installed.

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Mohd. Sharif Qualification: B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) [Founder of Wisdom Academy] [Aim Foundation & Free-Education.In] [Engineer By Profession | Teacher By Choice] [Blogger, YouTube Creator]