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Most Important HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning) Interview Question
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  1. 1. A definite area or space where some thermodynamic process takes place is known as
  2. a) Thermodynamic System
  3. b) Thermodynamic Cycle
  4. c) Thermodynamic Process
  5. d) Thermodynamic Law

2. A closed system is one in which heat and work crosses the boundary of the system but the mass of the working substance does not crosses the boundary of the system.

a) Yes

b) No

3. An open system is one in which both the heat and work as well as mass of the working substance crosses the boundary of the system. (Yes/No)


4. In an isolated system, neither the heat and work nor the mass of the working substance crosses the boundary of the system. (True/False)


5. The thermodynamic property of a system is said to be an intensive property whose value for the entire system __________ the sum of their value for the individual parts of the system.

a) is equal to

b) is not equal to

6. The property of the system, whose value for the entire system is equal to the sum of their values for the individual parts of the system is called extensive property. (True/False)


7. The absolute zero temperature is taken as

a) -273 C b) 273 C c) 237 C d) -237 C

a) – 273.15 C or 0K

8. Which of the following is correct?

  • a) Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric Pressure
  • b) Gauge pressure = Absolute pressure + Atmospheric Pressure
  • c) Atmospheric Pressure = Absolute pressure + Gauge Pressure
  • d) Absolute Pressure = Gauge Pressure – Atmospheric Pressure

9. The standard value of atmospheric pressure taken at sea level is

  • a) 1.013 bar
  • b) 760 mm of Hg
  • c) 1013 x 102 N/m2
  • d) All of these

10. The specific heat of water is 4.187 (True/False)


11. When two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other. This statement is called

  • a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
  • b) First law of thermodynamics
  • c) Second law of thermodynamics
  • d) Kelvin Planck’s law

12. First law of thermodynamics deals with

  • conservation of heat
  • conservation of momentum
  • conservation of mass
  • conservation of energy

13. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another. This statement is known as

  • Zeroth law of thermodynamics
  • First law of thermodynamics
  • Second law of thermodynamics
  • Kinetic theory of gases

14. The heat and work are mutually convertible. This statement is called________ law of thermodynamics.

a) Zeroth b) First c) Second

15. According to Clausis Statement of second law of thermodynamics: It is impossible to transfer heat from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature, without the aid of an external source. (True/False)


16. According to Kelvin-Planck’s statement of second law of thermodynamic, It is impossible to construct an engine working on a cyclic process, whose sole purpose is to convert heat energy into work. (True / False)


17. Second law of thermodynamic define

  • heat
  • work
  • internal energy
  • entropy

18. The state of a substance whose evaporation from its liquid state is complete, is known as

  • vapour
  • perfect gas
  • air
  • steam

19. The behavior of super heated vapour is similar to that of perfect gas (True/False)


20. The absolute pressure of given mass of perfect gas varies inversely as its volume, when the temperature remains constant. This statement is known as Boyl’s Law (Yes/No)


21. As per Charles’ law,Volume of the given mass of perfect gas varies directly as its absolute temperature, when the absolute pressure remains constant. (Yes/No)


22. According to Gay-Lussac law, the absolute pressure of a given mass of a perfect gas varies directly as its absolute temperature, when the volume remain constant. (True/False)


23. Equal volume of all the gases at the same temperature and pressure, contain equal number of molecules. This statement is called Avogadro’s law. (True/False)


24. The temperature at which the volume of a gas becomes zero is called absolute zero temperature. (Yes/No)


25. The absolute zero pressure will be

  • when the molecular momentum of the system becomes zero
  • at sea level
  • at the temperature of -273K
  • at the center of the earth

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