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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 11 THE PROPOSAL

Thinking About the Play
(Page 157)

Question 1.
What does Chubukov at first suspect that Lomov has come for? Is he sincere when he later says ‘And I’ve always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son”? Find reasons for your answer from the play.
At first Chubukov suspected that Lomov had come to borrow money as he was in his evening dress. He was not sincere when he told Lomov that he had always loved him and that he was like his own son, because he had decided to not give any money to Lomov. It was only when Lomov asked for his daughter’s hand in marriage that his attitude changed and he rushed out to call his daughter, Natalya.

Question 2.
Chubukov says of Natalya: “……. as if she won’t consent! She’s in love; egad, she’s like a lovesick cat……” Would you agree? Find reasons for your answer.
Yes, Natalya is in love. This is clear by the way she behaves when she gets to know that Lomov came to propose to her. She starts weeping and asks her father to bring Lomov at once.

Question 3.
1. Find all the words and expressions in the play that the characters use to speak about each other, and the accusations and insults they hurl at each other. (For example, Lomov in the end calls Chubukov an intriguer; but earlier,Chubukov has himself called Lomov a “malicious, doublefaced intriguer.” Again, Lomov begins by describing Natalya as “an excellent housekeeper, not bad-looking, well-educated.”)
2. Then think of five adjectives or adjectival expressions of your own to describe each character in the play.
3. Can you now imagine what these characters will quarrel about next?
The words and expressions that have been used to describe each other by various characters of the play are Chubukov: intriguer, grabber, old rat Natalya: a lovesick cat, an excellent housekeeper, not bad-looking’ well-educated. Lomov: a good neighbour, impudent, pettifogger, malicious, double faced intriguer, rascal, blind hen, turnip ghost, a villian, scare crow, stuffed sausage, etc.

Thinking About the Language
(Page 157)

Question I.
1. This play has been translated in English from the Russian original. Are there any expressions or ways of speaking that strike you as more – Russian than English?
For example would an adult man be addressed by an older man as my darling or my treasure in an English play?
Expressions not used in contemporary English are- my angel, my beloved, my beauty (Here these expressions, are used for an adult man) and ‘all that sort of thing’ (not explaining what it is just leaving it as it is) and ‘how may you be getting on’? reported speech

2. You must have noticed that when we report someone’s exact words, we have to make some changes in the sentence structure. In the following sentences fill in the blanks to list the changes that have occurred in the above pairs of sentences. One has been done for you.

  1. To report a question, we use the reporting verb asked (as in sentence set 1).
  2. To report a declaration, we use the reporting verb
  3. The adverb of place here changes to _____
  4. When the verb in the direct speech is in the present tense, the verb in reported speech is in the tense (as in sentence set 3).
  5. If the Verb in direct speech is in the present continuous tense, the verb in reported speech changes to ____ tense. For example, ____ changes to was getting.
  6. When the sentence in direct speech contains a word denoting respect, we add the adverb ____ in the reporting clause (as in sentence set 1)
  7. The pronouns I, me, our and mine, which are used in the first person in direct speech, change to third person pronouns to such as _____ or ____ in reported speech.

2. declared
3. there
4. past
5. past continuous, is getting
6. respectfully
7. he, him, their or his

Class 10 English Chapter 11 The Proposal Important Questions

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Which qualities are common in all three characters of the play ‘The Proposal’?

Answer: All the characters in the play are argumentative, full of pride and possessiveness. They are always ready to argue for petty things.

Question 2. How does Lomov come to Chubukov’s house? What for does he come? How is he received? [ CBSE 2012]

Answer: Lomov came to Chubukov’s house in the evening dress with gloves on. He cames to propose to his daughter Natalya. He is received with all the respect by Chubukov.

Question 3. How does Chubukov react when Lomov says that he has come to ask for the hand of his daughter?

Answer: When Lomov says that he has come to ask for the hand of his daughter, Chubukov gets off balanced with joy. He embraces and kisses Lomov, sheds a tear of joy and calls for God’s blessing for Lomov and Natalya.

Question 4. Why did Lomov want to get married?

Answer: Lomov wanted to gel. married as he was already 35 years old. Moreover, he was suffering due to a weak heart and sleep- sickness and wanted company of someone to look after him.

Question 5. What happens to Lomov when he is in an excited state?

Answer: When Lomov is in an excited state his heart beat increases, lips tremble and there is a twitch in his right eyebrow. When he goes to sleep in such a state something pulls him from his left side and he jumps like a lunatic

Question 6. How does Natalya excite Lomov to the point of verbal fighting?

Answer: Natalya repeatedly insisted that Oxen Meadows are theirs and told Lomov that upto now she considered Lomov as a good neighbour and friend. This excited Lomov to the point of verbal fighting.

Question 7. How does Lomov react when Chubukov says that he is not used to misbehaviour by a young man like Lomov?

Answer: Lomov reacts by saying that Chubukov thinks that he is a fool. He says that he cannot talk to him calmly and politely as he is making a false claim to his property. He further accuses Chubukov of being a grabber.

Question 8. Why does Natalya ask her father Chubukov to fetch Lomov in at once? Why does she accuse her father?

Answer: Natalya asked her father to fetch Lomov at once as she had come to know that Lomov had come to propose her. She accused Chubukov of driving Lomov out of their home.

Question 9. How does Natalya react when she comes to know that Lomov had come to propose? [CBSE 2014]

Answer: When Natalya cames to know that Lomov had come there to propose her she was shocked. She wails, changes her stance and asks her father to fetch Lomov.

Question 10. What does Lomov think when he is alone?

Answer: Lomov thinks that Natalaya is an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking, well educated. It is impossible for him not to marry. In the first place, he is already thirty-five. He ought to lead a quiet and regular life. He suffers from palpitations. He is excitable and always getting upset. There are some other problems too which trouble him.

Question 11. Why does Lomov wish to propose to Natalaya?

Answer: Lomov wishes to propose to Natalaya because he feels she is an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking, and is also well-educated. Moreover, he feels that he is already thirty-five, which is a critical age and he ought to lead a regular and settled life.

Question 12. Justify, in brief, the title of the play “The Proposal”.

Answer: The title of the play “The Proposal” is apt. Lomov comes to Chubukov’s house to propose to his daughter. He talks to Chubukov about his intention and the old man is very happy to have Lomov as the husband of this ageing daughter. When Natalaya comes and there begins an argument. It reminds us of a married couple.

Question 13. Who is Lomov? Why does he visit Chubukov?

Answer: Lomov was a young wealthy landowner and an unmarried man of thirty-five. He was anxious to get married as he had already reached a critical age. So he decided to propose Natalaya, a girl of twenty-five years old. He visited Chubukov to ask for his daughter Natalaya’s hand in marriage.

Question 14. How does Natalaya react when she comes to know that Lomov had come to propose for her hand?

Answer: When she knows that Lomov came to propose to her, she starts weeping. She calls her father to bring him back at once. He has gone out after the quarrel. She also accuses Chubukov that he drove Lomov out. She becomes hysterical.

Question 15. What makes Chubukov misunderstand the purpose of Lomov’s visit?

Answer: Chubukov misunderstands that Lomov has come to borrow money. He does not reveal his purpose of coming directly instead he says that he has come to trouble him with a request for help.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. The principle ‘forgive and forget’, helps a lot in maintaining cordial relations with our neighbors. Do you think Anton Chekov conveys this message in the play ‘The Proposal’?

Answer: Anton Chekov does convey the message that the principle of ‘forgive and forget’ helps a lot in -maintaining cordial relationship with one’s neighbours. Initially, the neighbours in the play, Lomov, Natalya and Chubukov were fighting over petty issues. They were putting important issues behind them and wasting their time by arguing over small things. These arguments slowly developed into fights and they started hurling abuses at one another. This damaged their relationship with each other.

It was when Natalya came to know that Lomov had come to propose her that she left the topic of argument (Oxen Meadows) behind. She also asked for forgiveness from Lomov and requested him to come to the point. Hence it is mandatory to ‘forgive and forget’ if one wants to have cordial relationship with others.

Question 2. Based on your understanding of the Play ‘The Proposal’ how do you think good relationships can be maintained? Why in today’s time we see so many people going away from each other?

Answer: The play ‘The Proposal’ teaches us how anger and arguments can easily ruin a relationship. Thus to maintain a good relationship, it is important to have a control over your anger. Having arguments over unimportant or small issues is extremely harmful and a waste of time. If someone commits a mistake, one should be ready to forgive and forget rather than being angry and arguing with the person endlessly. In today’s time people try to find only the positives in others and do not easily accept their negatives. Hence is becoming extremely difficult to maintain a good and cordial relationship with others.

Question 3. It is a common observance that more attention is paid to unimportant issues at the cost of important ones. The play ‘The Proposal’ beautifully portrays this fact. Suggest some steps how we can avoid this unhealthy practice.

Answer: It is true to an extent that people usually give more importance to the unimportant issues forgetting their priorities. Just like how Lomov came to propose Natalya but due to their argument that matter was left unaddressed. Thus, it becomes very important to set your priorities in life. One must ignore the unimportant issues. It is a waste of time to have discussions over them. One’ should not pay too much attention on the trivialities. This energy can be saved on spending it over some useful and important issues that gives a fruitful result.

Question 4. Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Lomov and Natalya do not have. Describe the first fight between them. [CBSE 2015]

Answer: Lomov and Natalya meet and rather than proposing her he gets off the point. He tells her how he inherited his land and how he respects her father. He also tells Natalya that his Oxen meadows touch Natalya’s Birchwood. On hearing this, Natalya says that Oxen Meadows are theirs. They start arguing about it. Lomov clarifies that he is talking about the Oxen Meadows that are between her Birchwoods and Burnt marsh. Natalya again insists that they are theirs.
Lomov refuses it. He tells her that his aunt’s grandmother gave those meadows to her father’s grand father. The peasants used the land for forty years and started regarding it as their own. Natalya’s father comes and also starts quarreling with Lomov. They get into a heated argument and resort to name-calling. After some time, Lomov leaves their house.

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